
Make a Copy of the Master diskette.

Move the Thinker icon into the folder where you keep your applications. Move the Thinker-document folder to a place where you want to keep your documents.

Thinker does not read an entire document into memory in order to process it. This behavior allows processing of very large documents. Thinker does keep all modified portions of the document in memory and some operations can consumer large amounts of memory (copying large portions of documents, importing ASCII, or sorting). Initializing the spell checker consumes 131,000 bytes of memory. The suggested amount of memory for Thinker under multifinder is 750,000 bytes. This allows enough memory to maintain the changes to several documents and to initialize the spelling checker.

One can reduce the memory allocated to as low as 300,000 bytes and still expect normal behavior without the spelling checker.

When Thinker detects that memory availability is low during memory intensive operations, Thinker will allow the user to either cancel the operation that needs additional memory or to write out the current modifications and free memory for the operation to continue. If the user selects to write out the modifications, then the operation may not be backed out.

If available memory becomes low enough to endanger correct operation, Thinker will exit giving the user a chance to save the current modifications.


When Thinker is first started you will be greeted by a "Customize Thinker" dialog box. This customizing sets the Userid and default Mail directories as well as the operating mode. See the section under the "File" menu on the "Customize" selection for a complete description. One may select Cancel and proceed, however, each time you start thinker you will be greeted by this dialog until you change the Userid to something other than "Guest".


The format of Thinker documents on other computer platforms (only the Commodore Amiga is supported at this time) is bit by bit the same (with the exception of pictures and font selection). This allows files to be moved from system to system without conversion (except for picture statements). When Thinker documents are moved to the Macintosh system the File Type and Creator of the files must be set using ResEditª or some other utility.

All files must have a Creator type of "T451".

The File Types of all the Thinker files are below.

    Documents D451
    Update Files U451
    Lexicon L451

The Amiga version had a Behavior settings for Dot Commands and Link Macros. Amiga documents with '@' characters and '.' characters in links and labels may have to be edited before the links and labels match depending on the settings of these options when the files were created on the Amiga. Amiga Images will display as a small picture frame.

Suggested Behaviors

Several of the Behave settings allow alterations of the standard Macintosh behaviors for text editing.

    Command Key Jump - alters the behavior of the double click with the cursor positioned in text. With this option selected, double click has the "standard" meaning of selecting a word of text. With this option disabled double clicking in text is a shorthand for "Jump Link (Mark)" with the cursor already positioned over the link.

    Return Equals Split - means that the return key splits the current statement at the cursor. If the cursor is at the end of a statement a new empty statement is inserted. This is the normal operation of a word processor. With this selection not selected, return keys are part of the text and can be used to improve formatting of tables.

    Enable Shift Click - This option enables the text selection feature so that holding the shift key down while clicking the cursor expands or contracts the selected text range.

    Default Fast Scroll - This behavior option sets the scroll bar to scroll by screens. Holding down the shift key while scrolling reverses the effect of this option and causes scrolling by statements.

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